2 FREE: Meditation Downloads

+ Join us for FREE Meditation Session

Every Wednesday 5:15am - 6am (UK Time)

Transform Stress and Disconnection into Harmony and Inner Peace

Embark on a Healing Journey with Our Exclusive Free Meditations

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In a world brimming with stress, disconnection, and uncertainty, finding your grounding and a sense of unity can seem like a distant dream.

Deepa Sapra, Yoga Therapist, invites you to rediscover balance and tranquility through the power of meditation.

Gain immediate access to two transformative practices:

  • Root Chakra Meditation for profound grounding and stability

  • Spirit Element Meditation for an awakened sense of oneness with the cosmos.

Rediscover your foundation. Reconnect with the cosmos.

Start your journey to inner peace and unity now.

Facing Today’s Challenges:

  • Feeling Uprooted and Anxious? The Root Chakra Meditation brings you back to your foundation, offering stability in the swirling chaos of life.

  • Sense of Isolation and Fragmentation? The Spirit Element Meditation bridges your soul to the universal fabric, healing disconnection and fostering a deep sense of belonging.

Your Path to Healing and Wholeness:

  • From Stress to Serenity: Let go of daily anxieties and immerse yourself in calmness, grounding your energy and elevating your spirit.

  • From Isolation to Interconnection: Break free from the illusion of separation, embracing the unity of all life, and rediscovering your place in the cosmos.

What Awaits You:

  • Deep Emotional Release: Shed layers of stress and reconnect with your inner serenity.

  • Renewed Vitality: Draw upon the Earth's enduring strength and the expansive energy of the Spirit.

  • Clear Vision: Navigate life with enhanced clarity, guided by your revitalised intuition.

  • Purposeful Living: Find stability and direction in your journey, inspired by a newfound sense of unity.

BONUS - Chakra Guide

  • Raising self-awareness by the Chakra Guide sheet.

Begin Your Transformation Today

Don’t let stress and disconnection define your experience. Enter your details now to access these life-affirming meditations. Deepa Sapra guides you through each step, promising a journey back to your essence and an expansive connection to the universe.

+ FREE Meditation Session Every Wednesday 5:15am-6am (UK Time) via Zoom


Deepa Supra

Yoga Therapist​ - Teaching you Yoga with Meditation, to help you neutralise emotions and leaving you to feel more balanced and at peace.

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